TRP 115: Believe
September 27, 2021
Episode Description: The secret ingredient to lasting success – learn the five key areas of belief that will help you succeed at the highest level!
If you are looking for honest, real-world, no BS advice on how to create income, build wealth and achieve true freedom with real estate, you’re in the right place. Welcome to another episode of The Real Estate Preacher podcast show. Where your host, Randy Lawrence shares with you, his experiences and strategies from over decades as a successful real estate investor. This episode is sponsored by Prosperity Capital Partner. Learn more at Now, onto the show.
Randy Lawrence:
All right. Hey, I want to welcome you to today’s show. I want to talk to you today and really challenge you about what do you believe or do you believe? And what I’m talking about is the belief that’s necessary in order for you to accomplish your dreams. In order for you to live the life of your desire. I’m here to tell you that as you go down this journey, down this road to transition. Let’s just say you are an investor and you’re transitioning over to beginning from investing from the stock market into alternative assets, to focus on real estate investing. And you’re at a cocktail party or whatever it may be or Christmas party, they’re going to be people who, oh my God, now that’s… They don’t think that what you’re doing is the right thing, they don’t believe.
Randy Lawrence:
Let’s say that you are leaving a law firm to go out and start your own practice. They’re going to be partners there at the firm that, oh my God, you’re leaving this company for that. And they don’t believe. So first and foremost, you’ve got to believe yourself. Believe that you have the resources, the ability, what it takes to be able to accomplish your dreams and begin to really see that what you have hopes and dreams for is possible. That you have the abilities and the resources to be able to achieve it. In fact, I would tell you this. The very fact that you have the dream, the desire, the vision inside of you is evidence that God’s put it there and if he’s put it there, the resources are there also within you to be able to achieve it. And so that you’ve got to begin to believe in yourself.
Randy Lawrence:
Now and sometimes folks may struggle with that, but I want to tell you this. Look, I believe in you. If it’s been possible for me and possible for countless thousands of others to achieve that success, that dream, it’s possible for you. So you begin to believe in yourself off my belief. And look, that’s key and it’s critical for you to have that belief because what’s going to happen as you move down the road toward your dream, you’re going to going to hit obstacles. You’re going to hit potholes. You’re going to hit walls or impediments that try to stop you. And in fact, I would say this, you’re probably going to have to string together day after day after day after day, month after month after month, year after year after year effort, in order to be able to achieve that dream. Big dreams, they don’t happen overnight. Praise the Lord.
Randy Lawrence:
I’m an overnight success after 20 years. And so, you know, yes. So you’ve got to begin to really believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, who else is going to? Secondly, you’ve got to believe in the reason, the dream, the vision, what you have. You can’t just be doing this thing for money. I mean, if you’re doing it for money, yeah that may motivate you for a while. But if like, if your dream is just to make a million dollars or $10 million or whatever it is, I would venture to tell you that’s a shallow dream. But you know, really you need to step back and look at what is the dream, what is the vision? And then really at your core, in your person of persons, in the soul of your being that you believe in it. I remember when we moved out north of Tampa. God, this is probably…
Randy Lawrence:
Wow. 2000, almost 15. So a long time ago, and we moved there to start a church. And I knew that that was part hard of what God had for me to do. And we sold everything that we had, house and I, a couple years later had sold my business interest in the financial the stock brokerage firm, sold my company and moved out there, but it was… I believed in it. I knew it’s like, you know what? God wants us to be out here to really impact people’s lives and to make a difference. And indeed we did. And even during the last downturn, 2008, where things crashed and the economy was bad. We also started a food pantry out there that helped probably some 40,000 people. I remember, good Lord are engineers laid off like and coming in to get food. School teacher who their husband lost their job, they’re coming in to get food at the food pantry.
Randy Lawrence:
So it was just an amazing thing to see what God did. But here’s the thing and the reason I say that is because at my core, and at Sara Jo, my wife, her core, there was just an unwavering belief in conviction about the dream, the vision that we’re going to reach these people and help people and that’s what God has us to do. Now, we were, of course, simultaneously I was running the real estate business, the investment business, but that will was a mission that we had. And so I want to challenge you, do you believe in the vision, in the mission? You’ve got to really believe. Because again, there’s going to be those days where it’s tough to get out of bed. There’s going to be those days where it’s just difficult and you’ve got to… It’s got to be bigger than you because now, you know, most human beings will do more for somebody else than they’ll do for themselves.
Randy Lawrence:
And so that’s where you’ve got to be willing to really go forward. The third element that I would look at is, what’s your reason why? So not only just believing in the vision, but what’s your reason why. And I touched on it just a bit of go, if the reason is just for money. Now, and again, I’m not against money, we make great money, there’s no doubt about that. And we make great money for our investors. So that’s a good thing, right? But you’ve got to have a purpose that transcends money. And so like for us, our purpose is to impact and transform the lives of the folks that live in our communities. And then second and equally as important is to transform and impact the lives of the investors that invest with us so that they can create financial legacy.
Randy Lawrence:
And so, I mean, that’s really what motivates me. Like realistically where I’m at, I could just kind of hang out on the beach and go bike riding or go to the mountains and go hiking every week. But that’s not what motivates me, what motivates me is impacting other people. That’s even why I’m doing this podcast or hopefully there’s value that comes for those of you who are listening. So you’ve got to have a reason why, because again, what’s going to happen is you’re going to hit those difficult times. You’re going to hit those dry patches. You’re going to hit those seasons where it just things aren’t working well. And you’ve got all these challenges and you’ve got to be motivated beyond that reason. I think when we started off, it’s funny, my daughter had made this just beautiful picture, it’s hanging in my office, I’m looking at it now.
Randy Lawrence:
And it’s got a picture of all these different apartment complexes. One of which we owned and then others were ones that were to come. And we’ve subsequently bought all of those communities except one praise, Lord. It’s still coming, a mid rise community, but we almost had that. But you know what my point of it is, is that look, you’ve got to have a reason why. And the reason why, even in that example is that’s part of the vision to impact those residents. And so I want to encourage you to, again, step back. What’s the reason why you’re pursuing this dream? What’s the why behind it? Is it to benefit your family and to give them a different life than you experienced, is it to provide legal services in helping people where you didn’t have the help. I mean, whatever that reason is, you need to be able to discern it, discover it, and then really apply it.
Randy Lawrence:
And then the last thing, the fourth thing I would say is that you’ve got to believe in something bigger than yourself. Now for me, God changed my life 24 years ago. I probably always believed in something. Like now again, I was a complete hellraiser, just wild in my youth through high school and into college. And I probably in a genuine way, I kind of believed in something, there’s something there, whatever. But it meant nothing to me. I mean, I really quite frankly cared less about it, but it was really at 27 that it really came. I remember reading a book, Norm Miller chairman of Interstate Batteries, how his life was changed by Jesus and I mean, ended up becoming the number one battery reseller in the world and beautiful wife and family and impacting people through their programs.
Randy Lawrence:
And I’m like, man, that’s the life I want. And so I asked God, I asked Christ to come into my life and it changed my life dramatically. And so now that belief in God helps me on a daily basis because there’s resources of help that come to me now. And I’m not saying that you’ve got to believe exactly that way, but you’ve got to believe in something bigger than yourself. I mean, think about it for a second. Look at the universe. I’ve got a picture of the cosmos in my office and it’s just beautiful. I mean, it’s the Lagoon Nebula, which is one of the largest nebula’s in the galaxy where you still have stars being created. It’s just incredible. And it reminds me of the grandeur of God in this universe. And it reminds me that I’m not just this… I’m not alone in this thing. And that’s what you have to see. Because sometimes when you’re pursuing the dream, you feel like you are alone in the journey and you’re not, God is with you.
Randy Lawrence:
The forces of the universe are coming together to aid you and to help you succeed. And you’ve got to be willing to look at that. And so I want to encourage you in this belief and you know what? Let me just throw one last nugget in there too, that you’ve got to believe in others. I’m not talking about foolish stupidity or just being ripped off blindly or anything like that. What I’m talking about is in order to accomplish your dream, you’re going to need a team. We talked about that the other week on you need help. And now you’ve got to begin to believe in the people that are a part of your team. You got to believe in their abilities. You got to believe in them and their potential. That’s critical right there. Potential. We’ll talk on a whole episode about that. But I want to encourage you grab a hold of these beliefs, seize hold of the moment and really go after it and pursue it.
Randy Lawrence:
Thanks for listening to a other episode of The Real Estate Preacher podcast. I hope today that you learn something that you can immediately apply in your life or business. Make sure that you check us out on iTunes or at for more information. If you want to find out more about partnering together with me personally, on real estate deals and including apartment complexes. Go to the and click on the invest with Randy link. I look forward to talking with you personally. Have a blessed in victorious week, for this is the week God is ordained for you.