TRP026: So, Where Are the Bargains At? 8 Ways To Find Deals
February 12, 2016

In this episode I am talking about the mindset for finding real deals today and how to find them. Discover 8 sources and ways to find the motivated sellers so you can make money when you buy.
Show Notes
Your Network Sources
1 Your Personal Network – don’t forget to constantly network with whomever and whenever. Always have the “I’m in the hunt” mindset and take massive action.
2 Realtors – investor-friendly seller or buyer agents that know who you are, what you are looking for, and why
3 Wholesalers – investors that already market and secure distressed/discounted properties that are looking for rehabbers (to add to their buyers list). They’ll need to know how you are, what you are looking for and why.
Your Marketing Machine
4 FSBOs – Market to or contact For Sale By Owners (FSBO’s) – homeowners selling their house without a realtor – usually they are motivated
5 Classified ads – continually review classified ads in newspaper, Craig’s List, etc.
6 Bandit Signs – market in areas of interest with bandit signs – you know those “We Buy Houses” signs on street corners. Say what you want but they are proven to work.
7 Direct mail campaigns – to targeted lists such as:
- Absentee owners
- Probate properties
- Code violation properties
- Pre-foreclosure properties
8 Driving for Dollars – Drive neighborhoods at look for distressed properties, finding the owner and contacting them to sell
Your action steps
- Know where to find motivated sellers
- Select a marketing strategy and stick with it
- Get your buy criteria nailed down
- Start prospecting