One of the best ways to find houses to buy, fix and flip is to market direct to sellers. One of the most effective methods of marketing direct to sellers is using yard signs also known as bandit signs. You know the signs you see that say, “We Buy Houses” with a phone number on it? That’s right – love them or hate them, they work! This is without question a time tested and proven method to get motivated sellers calling you.
They’re a fast, easy, and cheap way to get your phone ringing with deals.
So map out a quick strategy and get your bandit sign marketing campaign started. All you need is:
- A well thought out plan of attack
- Phone number – by not your personal number
- Signs, stakes, nails
- Answering service and website (optional)
In a follow up post, I’ll go more into detail on how to launch your bandit sign marketing campaign.
Until then, God bless.